On this page, there are two software described: PILOTGONE 0.8.2 and SGFUTILITY
0. PILOTGONE 0.8.2alpha - 10th of January, 2011
Download here the latest version (alpha). It implements:
- "Next Game" and "Previous Game" facilities, so that one can solve problems just by using the hard buttons
- uses the 5-way controller button available on some Palm Devices (like Zire 31 for example).
- map Game Info, Next Game, Previous Game on hard buttons (from preferences menu)
- customizable board color
Now it's possible to solve Go problems only using the buttons of the Palm!
There is also the collection Gengen Gokyo as an example .mpa file
I wished these facilities a long time ago, and today I decided to do them myself.
Please mail me at [email protected] for feed-back.
For more information about PilotGOne and for GO on mobile devices in general, please visit the page on http://senseis.xmp.net
1. General information
The files containing GO problems (tsumego) are sgf files. The greatest site is obviously www.goproblems.com.
I use these problems on my Palm device. I am using Pilotgone. Other people use software on PocketPC. Other people use software on mobile phones. It's a great way to solve GO problems in our spare time!
However, there are some issues:
- some files don't comply with the .sgf format, so PilotGone (or other software you use on your mobile device) does not display them correctly;
- in some files, some mandatory tags are missing (like SZ[19])
- most of the problems use only a small portion of the board. On the mobile device the software is displaying the full board, and the stones' dimmension is small; we have to use zoom.
Sgfutility solves the following:
- Replace White's player name with filename.
- Replace Black's player name with problem type.
- Replace date field with difficulty and player to move.
- Apply auto correction (correct some format issues).
- Rotate the problems on 19x19 boards to top-left corner.
- Resize 19x19 boards to optimal size.
- Change line separator to CRLF (usually you won't need this).
- Remove players' names, the tags PB and PW (usually you won't need this).
After this operation, I can sort the problems on my Palm based on problem type, difficulty and I can view them at a bigger scale (the boards are resized and rotated to top-left).
Enough with talking. Here are some samples:
00009.sgf (original)

00009_result.sgf (result)

00137.sgf (original)

00137_result.sgf (result)

2. Usage
No need to install! Just download and unzip in the folder with the problems (sgf files). After that, run _runme.bat. You will be asked next what to do with the problems.
Download it from here: sgfutility.zip
3. Other issues
If you have suggestions or questions or just want to provide me a feed-back, please contact me at [email protected]